Why We Exist

Ama Papa was founded to help Single Dad's to recover from a break-up and to become the best Dad, they best man and the best ex that they can be

How We Do That

How Ama Papa does that is by helping Single Dad's to recover and / or maintain their Mental Health, Physical Health, Emotional Health and Financial Health

What We Do

What Ama Papa aspires to achieve is to elongate the lives of Single Dad's, to improve the quality of life of Single Dad's and to save the life of at least one Single Dad. 

Ama Papa means "Love Daddy" - This is Our Purpose.

Why Ama Papa exists: to offer a powerful support to Single Dad's. 

Ama Papa exists to offer all manner of support to Single Dad's, wherever they are on their journey and whatever challenges they face. 

Ama Papa wants to help Single Dad's to be the best Dad they can be, the best man they can be and the best ex that they can be. 

We support Single Dad's with their mental health, physical health, emotional health and financial health. 

We actively promote the benefits of co-parenting wherever possible and encourage Single Dad's to work with their ex-partners for the benefit of the Single Mam, the Dad themselves and crucially for the children they share. 

Ama Papa believes that Single Dad's are not supporting actors in their children's lives; they are co-stars. 
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How Ama Papa can help.

The break up of any relationship can be difficult. Those break ups are far more challenging when children are involved. Sadly, in a world where we talk so much about equality, fathers are still very much discriminated against in family law and this can have significant ramifications on their well-being. 

Aside from the heartache of the break up, all too often Single Dad's are unfairly separated from their children. They often face expensive legal battles to secure even a semblance of access; their work life can be disrupted, their finances damaged and often the stress of the situation leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Single Dad's - indeed men in general - often fail to realise the impact these events have on their emotional, physical and mental health. 

Ama Papa will support Single Dad's with their Mental Health, Physical Health, Emotional Health and Financial Health. How we do that is by empowering Single Dad's with the tools they need to move forward as well as the encouragement to do so. We will be providing practical suggestions to improve the situation, offering tools that you might need to calculate money or maintenance, to put you in touch with other Dad's who you can team up with and by introducing you to businesses whose services you may need. 

That includes everything from solicitors, estate agents and accountants to tattoo artists, men's hairdressers and garages and mechanics. Whatever barriers you face at whatever stage of the Single Dad journey that you're on, we will offer guidance, support and encouragement. We'll also get you connected to other Single Dad's so the peer support network can grow. 
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Our Goals: what Ama Papa wants to achieve.

By doing these things Ama Papa aspires to elongate the life of Single Dad's who have a far shorter life expectancy than Single Mam's. Indeed Single Dad's also have a far shorter life expectancy than fathers who remain with the family and than men who don't have children. We believe that these men are dying too young, too soon. And we believe that with your help, we can all work together to change that. 

We aim to improve the quality of life of these men, helping them to find their feet again and move forward in life. 

The statistics around male suicide in the UK are terrifying. Therefore our ultimate goal is to save the life of at least one man, at least one Single Dad and to save their children from losing the most important man in their lives: their Daddy. 
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The Lone Wolf and The Statistics

Almost 80% of suicides in the UK are male

Suicide is the main killer of men in the UK aged 25 to 55 years old

Many of those men are Single Dad's

Single Dad's have a far shorter life expectancy than their female counterparts, than married men and than men who don't have children

Many of those premature deaths are the result of ill health that originates from unhealthy coping mechanisms 

Ama Papa believes that these men matter. We believe that these lives matter. 

Ama Papa believes that single parents CAN be Co-Parents

Ama Papa believes that no child, no matter how old, should lose their father before his time

Ama Papa believes that we... that YOU... can help to change that. 
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Why Ama Papa Exists

We exist to help Single Dad's to be: 

The Best Dad that they can be

The Best Man that they can be

The Best Ex that they can be

We're huge advocates of looking after yourself, looking after your kids and where a good relationship can be built, looking after your ex. After all, she's the mother of your children and the better your relationship with her, the better the lives of your children and yourselves. 
Why Ama Papa Exists
How we do that

We help Single Dad's to recover and maintain their:


Mental Health

You need to look out for the signs and spot any mental health issues. Stress, depression, anxiety are all common place and they're all quite natural. It's Okay to not be Okay. But it's not Okay to ignore it! Make an appointment to see your GP. Talk to someone at work, or your family. Talk to a friend. And of course, you can always talk to us. 


Physical Health

It's understandable to need a drink or fall back in the crutch of a cigarette or comfort food. But these things - as welcome and needed as they may short term - can be very dangerous and damaging if they become long term. They cost £££'s and return lbs! A healthy diet, some exercise, a walk or swimming or football are all beneficial. They'll save you £££'s and shed you lbs! You'll look better and feel better. 


Emotional Health

Men are programmed by the men that come before us, our fathers and fore-fathers, as to what it is to be a man. That often means believing it is wrong to cry, to be upset, to ask for help or to admit that you need it. We need to redefine what it is to be a real man. Perhaps the first step is making men like you and me realise that we don't have to do this alone. Come and interact with us. Contact us. And if you're local, come and have a pint with us or come along to one of our events and just have a chat. We're in these trenches together, lads. 


Financial Health

Break-up's are expensive. You've probably already spent a fortune buying things for your kids that their Mothers will now keep and you'll have to buy all over again. Then there's child maintenance and sadly, while you might not get to see your kids as often as you like, while the time is lost forever, every missed maintenance payment will be chased. There's legal costs potentially. Plus you're probably moving house. The financial strains increase. We can offer your support and we're looking to work closely with Employment Law, Family Law solicitors as well as financial advisers and accountants. We can redirect you to one of our partners who will take good care of you. 
How Ama Papa Helps

What Ama Papa hopes to achieve

Elongate the lives of Single Dad's - by getting from unhealthy coping mechanisms to healthier ones and helping Single Dad's get back on their feet again. You can't kick this bad worlds arse when you're down on the floor. We'll help you get back to your best. 

Improve the quality of live of Single Dad's - we'll help you sort your finances so you're in a good place. We'll help you at work or find work. We'll help you find a house if you need it and help you make that house a home for you and your kids. We'll help you build a new life where you can enjoy your kids and enjoy yourself. We'll help you pursue what makes you happy, and we'll help you catch it...

Save someone's life - Ama Papa is a very positive force, driven by positive people. However, there's no denying the tragic suicide rates that stare us in the face. Our ultimate goal is that we help convince someone who might be in the darkest of places, to hold on. If this entire project saves just one life, it will be invaluable and just and it will have served it's purpose. 

If break ups were a war, then we're all just soldiers in the trenches. All Ama Papa is looking to do is to pick up those who may have fallen and return them to the battlefield. And hey, as Pat Benatar said, "Love is a battlefield..."
What Ama Papa Can Do


Ama Papa also encourages Single Dad's to treat their ex-partners, the mother of their children, with respect, decency and support.

We know that break ups are often far from amicable. Love does become a battlefield. There's hurt, anger, bitterness, frustration and often a feeling of injustice and even at times betrayal. Rarely do couples shake hands, call it a day and team up to be Super-Co-Parents. 

Ama Papa believes in the benefits of getting passed those initial difficulties. We believe in the benefits of working together for the benefit of your kids and each other. 

We know that there's a lot of unreasonable Mam's out there. But there's also a lot of unreasonable Dad's. Some fathers can't see their kids; some don't want to. Some women use the kids as pawns and some women are left abandoned. 

The chances are that you're both hurting. We know it's not always possible but wherever it can be done, we urge Single Dad's to show their ex's respect, treat them well, take the high road and in the end you will come out of this better than you would otherwise. 

We are 100% committed to fighting for your kids. But the best way to do it is to avoid fighting with your ex. 

If you're family has split up, the best gift a Single Mam and a Single dad can give their children is a healthy & positive Co-Parenting relationship. 

"There's some things in life that are not meant to be..."

You can still have a Good Life

"And everyone knows that you're my favourite girl
But there's some things in life that are not meant to be
I'm not meant for you and your not meant for me
Here's to our problems
And here's to our fights
Here's to our achings
And here's to you having a Good life

And don't think that you will be left on the shelf
Cause there's someone for you and there's someone for me
Like me you'll meet them eventually
Here's to your lover
And here's to my wife
Here's to your children and here's to you having a good life"

We are actively looking for partnerships with Local Businesses and National Businesses, as well as Pubs & Pub Chains, Sports Clubs, Racecourses and Gym's. 

Come and Be an Ama-Papa Partner

We have an innovative and potentially lucrative means of generating funds for you as well as using our partnership as a means of driving Ama Papa towards its goals and aspirations. 

Come and talk to us. We believe we can help you as much as you can help us.

Grass Roots, Non-League and Lower League Football Clubs

Ama Papa is very keen to team up with Grass-Roots, Non-League and lower league football clubs. We believe that working together could be mutually beneficial.

We are not asking for any financial contributions from you. We actually believe that we can generate much needed funds for your club. And we are interested in holding our meetings at your club, on both match days and non match days. 

We believe that you can help Ama Papa achieve it's goals. And we believe that we can increase your match day crowds and utilise your corporate facilities.

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