By Single Dad's. For Single Dad's. Supporting Single Dad's. And their families.
Ama Papa exists to help Single Dad's to be the Best Dad, the Best Man and the Best Ex that they can be
Ama Papa does that by helping Single Dad's to recover / sustain their Mental Health, their Physical Health, their Financial Health and their Emotional Health
Ama Papa aims to elongate the lives of Single Dad's, to improve the quality of life of Single Dad's and ultimately, to help save the life of a Single Dad
Almost 80% of suicides in the UK are male. The biggest killer of men aged 25 - 55 in the UK is suicide. Many of these men are soneone's Daddy. Many of these men are Single Dad's. Single Dad's have far shorter life expectancy than their female counterparts, than Dad's who remain with family and than men who don't have kids. Ama Papa is here for these men. Maybe Ama Papa is here for you...
Our goal is to help Single Dad's to come through a break up and have a bright future, for themselves and for their children.
In a time when we talk so much about equality, Single Dad's are all too often discriminated against in family law. Ama Papa will help these men in every way we can
Ama Papa vslues Co-Parenting and wherever possible encourages Single Dad's and Single Mam's to work together. We belive in the benefits of treating ex-partners the right way with as much respect and support as possible.
You're not just fighting for your right to be with your kids... You're fighting for your kids rights to be with you.
"I love you, Daddy", she said. And all of my battle-scars became badges of honour
Ama Papa is very keen to team up with Grass-Roots, Non-League and lower league football clubs. We believe that working together could be mutually beneficial.
We are not asking for any financial contributions from you. We actually believe that we can generate much needed funds for your club. And we are interested in holding our meetings at your club, on both match days and non match days.
We believe that you can help Ama Papa achieve it's goals. And we believe that we can increase your match day crowds and utilise your corporate facilities.