What Ama Papa Will Achieve

What Ama Papa Will Achieve

Ama Papa has three very simple and direct outcomes that it is desired we achieve. We know why Ama Papa exists; we know how Ama Papa plans to deliver it's objectives. And here are the 3 things that Ama Papa aspires to do...

Elongate The Lives of Single Dad's

Ama Papa wants to help men, especially Single Dad's, to bounce back from a break up. We hope to equip and inspire Single Dad's to live healthier lifestyles. 

By reducing the dependancy on unhealthy coping mechanisms of bad diet, no exercise, smoking or drinking or more, with health living and common sense self-care, this can add years to their lives. 

Improve The Quality of Life of Single Dad's

A physically healthier man, with good mental and emotional health can live a happier and longer life. If Ama Papa can also help Single Dad's to also safeguard their financial health, find career-balance and a rewarding job then we believe we can help Single Dad's to make a new life that they enjoy; not just a life that they survive. 

We want to help Single Dad's to get over a break up, to see their kids as often as is possible and just and not to have to go to the bottom of the ladder and start again, but to be able to have a good standard of living. That's for their benefit and for the benefit of the children they will be co-parenting. 

Save Lives

You've read all about the suicide rates of men in the UK, especially Single Dad's. And we've tried to highlight the number of Single Dad's dying from natural causes potentially as a result of the lifestyle and unhealthy coping mechanisms that originate or are exacerbated by a break up. 

If Ama Papa can save just one life; elongate just one life, then everything we do will be 100% worthwhile. 

"Next to creating a life, the finest thing a man can do is to save one". [Quote].
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